In 2022 we raised over £1000 for The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside.

The Wildlife Trust is doing incredible work to protect wildlife and wild places, from managing magical nature reserves and restoring damaged peat bogs to saving rare butterflies from extinction and connecting local communities with nature.

Bringing wildlife back


Around 88,000 different species of animals, plants and fungi are known to share the UK with us – its human population. A combination of climate, geology and land-use history makes the UK’s landscape a surprisingly diverse place.

Saving the UK’s wildlife and wild places and helping them to recover from past losses and damage has been a central aim of The Wildlife Trusts throughout our history. For more than a century, we have been saving, protecting and standing up for wildlife and wild places.

  • Working together, people can change the natural world for the better; everyone has a part to play.

    The Wildlife Trust

The Impact


Top 10

largest land-holding charity in UK



of sites directly looked after



of rivers and streams improved



days on marine monitoring